Tushie Takes the New York Times: The particular moment in media can be considered as quite controversial.
“Tushie” about famous people in the NY Times

“Tushie”In the context of journalism, where time is a precious asset and an uncountable number of readers is targeted, the smallest details of the texts call for debates. One of the cases is the use of the word ‘tushie’, which was cited in the New York Times, the paper which has never been associated with informal register and free from rigorous rules of the Modern English language usage. This harmless-appearing term created a conversational buzz about words, people’s feelings, and about how journalism is progressing. This article examines the details of the usage of the term “tushie” in the NYT, the received backlash, and what this means for media in today’s world.
The Incident: “Tushie” about famous people in the NY Times
New York Times is known for its rather serious and severe approach to journalism, where all words are chosen to convey literal meaning. Thus, people expected that this word “tushie” will not be used in any published articles So when it did appear in a published article, several readers were taken aback. This term, which is often used interchangeably with the more vulgar ‘buttocks’ term and is usually associated with such contexts as children’s speech, looked quite odd when placed into the pages of a journal that is generally considered to use very formal and, to some extent, rather erudite language.
It was inconsequential that “tushie” Was used in an article; it was in an anecdotal, humorous story. The writer used the term in what could be assumed to be a jovial sense with a probable intention to appeal to the readers’ current experience. However, the use of such an informal and widely popular expression in a newspaper as authoritative as the NYT caused various responses from the readers, journalists, and cultural observers.
Public and Professional Reactions
The publication of the word “tushie” in the NYT elicited different reactions such as hooting to condemnation. Quite a number of readers were uncomfortable with the term suggesting that it made the article and the newspaper look like a tabloid. The visitors of the social networks expressed their concerns that, perhaps, the best newspaper of the world lowers its journalistic standards to be more entertaining for the majority of people.
However, some other readers and media persons supported the usage of the similar term with the explanation that language is always evolving and even such a reputed newspaper as NYT has to reflect the changes in a society. They noted that newspapers have to be contemporary in today’s society that is going digital and informal, and where forms of address are not strictly categorized into formal and informal.
Discussions on when ‘tushie’ was used also led to discussions of the use of humor in storytelling. While some commenters stated that there is a time and a place for ‘light’ humor in news reports especially features/opinions, other readers believed that ‘lighthearted’ jokes bylined under the NYT banner was not befitting. It brought out the dilemma that is usually faced by the editors in ensuring that the intended audience is captured while at the same time reflecting the standard of the publication.
Language, Culture, and Journalism
The controversy that erupted over the use of the descriptive term “tushie” in the New York Times cross-cutting is not exempt from these viral trends as to what obtains in the postmodern age of communication. Given the fact that the increasingly informal tone is used in business communication and that social networks encourage the use of such practice, traditional media outlets are under pressure to follow the trend. How to be relevant, and at the same time remain ethical in the wake of fast changing media environment is something most media outfits are struggling to find.
The subjects people talk about are thus dictated by language and using this significant media outlet, NYT, some of the language used will definitely be influential. The words used in reporting a story affects the reception of the story by the readers, the image portrayed about certain people and circumstances. Thus, even such an innocent term as ‘tushie’ may transform from an innocent word into the center of heated discussions about professionalism of journalists and ethical fashions of the society.
With regard to this, the debate also raises questions on exposure of marginalized groups of people in journalism. Some have brought forward the points that using simpler language, more familiar to the common reader, would probably appeal to the larger public, particularly the youthful and those who are not likely to read news due to their perception that news language is academic. However, some people think that the use of such conducts as maintaining a higher level of language is appropriate to sustain the Press’ authority, legitimacy, and believability.
The Evolution of the New York Times
Like many media and specifically newspaper institutions, there were profound changes in the New York Times since its foundation affected by the cultural, technological and economical changes. Succession of the NYT over the years is also worthy of analysis In its evolution from the once a print- only newspaper to the present day’s digital first global media company. Yet, this have not been without controversy; most of the time the publication seems to be struggling to balance its desire to stay ‘current’ with the ideals of sound journalism.
This decision can therefore be viewed as a part of this tendency of adaptation to the target audience cultural construct. As the circles of influence expand and the choice of media outlets reaches a virtually astronomical number – with thousands of websites being created every year to vie for readers’ attention, even such giant as NYT has to adapt to the new circumstances. This has lead to the use of more colloquial language something that has been evident in the features and the lifestyle sections.
Nevertheless, the negative reactions people had to “tushie” prove that even for such a liberal newspaper like the NYT there are certain boundaries, beyond which it is dangerous to step in order not to lose the rather stringent image of the newspaper. For many readers, the NYT is the epitome of outstanding journalism integrated with the traditions of professionalism, Accuracy, formality, and academic scholarly basis. There may be a lot of controversy when one deviates from these norms regardless of how much one deviates from them.
Implications of Collaborative Social Media Uses for Journalists
With the “tushie” controversy being more than a discussion of the usage of the word and basically embodying the problems that journalism is facing. Despite the constant change of the media scenario, news organisations are still dealing with some of the questions of academic journalism such as the balance between tradition and innovation, formal and casual, or severity and joke.
For the NYT, this should be a wake-up call that it cannot take liberties as it seeks to evolve- it is a paper after all. However, the publication cannot completely disregard the culture that has hindered it from relating to such aspects of culture that would enable it relate to the society in the current society while at the same time it has to uphold the practices that have given it the credibility of serving the society for more than a century.
Lastly, the fight on ‘tushie’ in the New York Times proves that the issue of language in journalism is still burning. With the transformation of the media that happens rapidly, believe, it is inevitable that words and phrases will follow the same direction as the media. Whether “Tushie” will become a favorite locution in the NYT, further oneself will be seen; however, the given outrageous case interests lots of people bringing up a range of discussions concerning future of journalist and an influence of words on people. For more information visit ventsicon.com